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Basic readers

The following table reader functions are available:


Use {{ read_csv() }} to read a comma-separated values (csv) and output as a markdown table.

  1. Arguments are parsed safely and then passed to corresponding functions below
  2. File is read using pandas.read_csv()
  3. The pd.DataFrame is then converted to a markdown table using .to_markdown()
  4. The markdown table is fixed to match the indentation used by the tag in the markdown document (only when not used with mkdocs-macros-plugin. See compatibility with macros plugin)


{{ read_csv('assets/tables/basic_table.csv') }}
a b
40 73
50 52
531456.123 80
name table1


Use {{ read_fwf() }} to read a table of fixed-width formatted lines and output as a markdown table.

  1. Arguments are parsed safely and then passed to corresponding functions below
  2. File is read using pandas.read_fwf()
  3. The pd.DataFrame is then converted to a markdown table using .to_markdown()
  4. The markdown table is fixed to match the indentation used by the tag in the markdown document (only when not used with mkdocs-macros-plugin. See compatibility with macros plugin)


{{ read_fwf('assets/tables/fixedwidth_table.txt') }}
Brand Price
Honda Civic 22001
Toyota Corolla 25000
Ford Focus 27000
Audi A4 35000


Use {{ read_yaml() }} to read a YAML file and output as a markdown table.

  1. Arguments are parsed safely and then passed to corresponding functions below
  2. File is read using yaml.safe_load() and then passed to pandas.json_normalize()
  3. The pd.DataFrame is then converted to a markdown table using .to_markdown()
  4. The markdown table is fixed to match the indentation used by the tag in the markdown document (only when not used with mkdocs-macros-plugin. See compatibility with macros plugin)


{{ read_yaml('assets/tables/yaml_table.yml') }}
a b
40 73
50 52
531456 80
name table1


Use {{ read_table() }} to read a general delimited file and output as a markdown table.

  1. Arguments are parsed safely and then passed to corresponding functions below
  2. File is read using pandas.read_table()
  3. The pd.DataFrame is then converted to a markdown table using .to_markdown()
  4. The markdown table is fixed to match the indentation used by the tag in the markdown document (only when not used with mkdocs-macros-plugin. See compatibility with macros plugin)


{{ read_table('assets/tables/basic_table.csv', sep = ',') }}
a b
40 73
50 52
531456.123 80
name table1


Use {{ read_json() }} to read a JSON string path and output as a markdown table.

  1. Arguments are parsed safely and then passed to corresponding functions below
  2. File is read using pandas.read_json()
  3. The pd.DataFrame is then converted to a markdown table using .to_markdown()
  4. The markdown table is fixed to match the indentation used by the tag in the markdown document (only when not used with mkdocs-macros-plugin. See compatibility with macros plugin)


{{ read_json('assets/tables/data.json', orient='split') }}
col 1 col 2
a b
c d


Use {{ read_feather() }} to read a feather-format object and output as a markdown table.

  1. Arguments are parsed safely and then passed to corresponding functions below
  2. File is read using pandas.read_feather()
  3. The pd.DataFrame is then converted to a markdown table using .to_markdown()
  4. The markdown table is fixed to match the indentation used by the tag in the markdown document (only when not used with mkdocs-macros-plugin. See compatibility with macros plugin)


{{ read_feather('assets/tables/data.feather') }}
col 1 col 2
a b
c d


Use {{ read_excel() }} to read an Excel file and output as a markdown table.

  1. Arguments are parsed safely and then passed to corresponding functions below
  2. File is read using pandas.read_excel()
  3. The pd.DataFrame is then converted to a markdown table using .to_markdown()
  4. The markdown table is fixed to match the indentation used by the tag in the markdown document (only when not used with mkdocs-macros-plugin. See compatibility with macros plugin)


{{ read_excel('assets/tables/excel_table.xlsx', engine='openpyxl') }}
a b
40 73
50 52
531456 8

Reading xlsx files

You might get a XLRDError('Excel xlsx file; not supported',) error when trying to read modern excel files. That's because xlrd does not support .xlsx files (stackoverflow post). Instead, install openpyxl and use:

{{ read_excel('assets/tables/excel_table.xlsx', engine='openpyxl') }}


Use {{ read_raw() }} to insert the contents from a file directly.

This is great if you have a file with a table already in markdown format. It could also replace a workflow where you use the snippets extension to embed external files.

  1. Only the first argument is read. This should be the file path.
  2. File is read using python
  3. The markdown table is fixed to match the indentation used by the tag in the markdown document (only when not used with mkdocs-macros-plugin. See compatibility with macros plugin)


{{ read_raw('assets/tables/') }}
Tables Are Cool
col 1 is left-aligned $1600
col 2 is centered $12
col 3 is right-aligned $1


When you use table-reader with mkdocs-macros-plugin, in next to all the readers, the following additional macros will be made available:


Use {{ pd_read_csv() }} to read a comma-separated values (csv) using pandas.read_csv().

{{ pd_read_csv('assets/tables/basic_table.csv').to_markdown(tablefmt="pipe", index=False) | add_indentation(spaces=4) }}
a b
40 73
50 52
531456.123 80
name table1


Use {{ pd_read_fwf() }} to read a table of fixed-width formatted lines using pandas.read_fwf()


{{ pd_read_fwf('assets/tables/fixedwidth_table.txt').to_markdown(tablefmt="pipe", index=False) | add_indentation(spaces=4) }}
Brand Price
Honda Civic 22001
Toyota Corolla 25000
Ford Focus 27000
Audi A4 35000


Use {{ pd_read_yaml() }} to read a YAML file using yaml.safe_load() and pandas.json_normalize().


{{ pd_read_yaml('assets/tables/yaml_table.yml').to_markdown(tablefmt="pipe", index=False) | add_indentation(spaces=4) }}
a b
40 73
50 52
531456 80
name table1


Use {{ pd_read_table() }} to read a general delimited file using pandas.read_table().


{{ pd_read_table('assets/tables/basic_table.csv', sep = ',').to_markdown(tablefmt="pipe", index=False) | add_indentation(spaces=4) }}
a b
40 73
50 52
531456.123 80
name table1


Use {{ pd_read_json() }} to read a JSON string path using pandas.read_json()


{{ pd_read_json('assets/tables/data.json', orient='split').to_markdown(tablefmt="pipe", index=False) | add_indentation(spaces=4) }}
col 1 col 2
a b
c d


Use {{ pd_read_feather() }} to read a feather-format object using pandas.read_feather()


{{ pd_read_feather('assets/tables/data.feather').to_markdown(tablefmt="pipe", index=False) | add_indentation(spaces=4) }}
col 1 col 2
a b
c d


Use {{ pd_read_excel() }} to read an Excel file using pandas.read_excel()


{{ pd_read_excel('assets/tables/excel_table.xlsx', engine='openpyxl').to_markdown(tablefmt="pipe", index=False) | add_indentation(spaces=4) }}
a b
40 73
50 52
531456 8

Reading xlsx files

You might get a XLRDError('Excel xlsx file; not supported',) error when trying to read modern excel files. That's because xlrd does not support .xlsx files (stackoverflow post). Instead, install openpyxl and use:

{{ pd_read_excel('assets/tables/excel_table.xlsx', engine='openpyxl') }}


When you use table-reader with mkdocs-macros-plugin, in next to all the readers, the macros, the following additional filters will be made available:


Adds a consistent indentation to every line in a string. This is important when you are inserting content into Admonitions or Content tabs.

Args: text (str): input text spaces (int): Indentation to add in spaces tabs (int): Indentation to add in tabs

Example usage:

!!! note "this is a note"
    {{ pd_read_csv('assets/tables/basic_table.csv').to_markdown(tablefmt="pipe", index=False) | add_indentation(spaces=4) }}


Converts a pandas dataframe into a markdown table. Arguments are passed to .to_markdown(). By default, tablefmt='pipe' and index=False are used. There is also an additional fix to ensure any pipe (|) characters in the dataframe are properly escaped (python-tabulate#241).

Example usage:

{{ pd_read_csv('assets/tables/basic_table.csv') | convert_to_md_table  }}