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You can customize the plugin by setting options in your mkdocs.yml file. Here is an example of all the options this plugin offers:

    - git-authors:
        show_contribution: true
        show_line_count: true
        show_email_address: true
        count_empty_lines: true
        fallback_to_empty: false
        sort_authors_by: name
        authorship_threshold_percent: 10
        enabled: true
        strict: true


If this option is set to true (default: false) the contribution of a author is printed as a percentage of (source file) lines per author. The output is suppressed if there is only one author for a page.

Example output:


If this option is set to true (default: false) the number of lines per author is shown.


If this option is set to true (default: true), then authors' names are rendered as a mailto: link pointing to their email address. If set to false, they are shown in plain text.


If this option is set to true (default: false) empty lines will count towards an authors' contribution.


If this option is set to true (default: false) the plugin will work even outside of a proper Git environment, prompting a warning when it's the case, and resulting in empty author list.


Default is empty. Specify a list of page source paths (one per line) that should not have author(s) included (excluded from processing by this plugin). This can be useful for example to remove the authors from the front page. The source path of a page is relative to your docs/ folder. You can also use globs instead of full source paths. To exclude docs/subfolder/ specify in your mkdocs.yml a line under exclude: with - subfolder/ Some examples:

# mkdocs.yml
  - git-authors:
        - subfolder/
        - folder/*


Defaults to name, can be contribution to sort the authors by contribution percentage without needing to show the exact percent.


Default is 0, allowed values between 0 and 100. This option sets the minimum contribution percentage for an author to be included in the list of authors. This can be useful when you have a large number of single line authors who contributed minor spelling fixes, and not major content. This option does not apply if there is only one author.


Default is true. Enables you to deactivate this plugin. A possible use case is local development where you might want faster build times and/or do not have git available. It's recommended to use this option with an environment variable together with a default fallback (introduced in mkdocs v1.2.1, see docs). Example:

# mkdocs.yml
  - git-authors:
      enabled: !ENV [ENABLED_GIT_AUTHORS, True]

Which enables you do disable the plugin locally using:

mkdocs serve


Default is true. When enabled, the logs will show warnings when something is wrong but a fallback has been used. When disabled, the logger will use the INFO level instead.

  • If you want to raise an error when a warning is logged, use mkdocs strict mode (with mkdocs build --strict).
  • If you are already using mkdocs strict mode, but do not care about these warnings, you can set strict: false to ensure no errors are raised.

=== ":octicons-file-code-16: mkdocs.yml"

  - git-authors:
      strict: true
Authors: Tim Vink (79.81%), Scott Phillips (8.65%), Florian Haas (6.73%), Luca Deluigi (4.81%)