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Specify a locale

locale is a two letter ISO639 language code that git-revision-date-localized uses to display dates in your preferred language.

For example:

April 27, 2021                # `locale: en` with `type: date` (default)
April 27, 2021 13:11:28       # `locale: en` with `type: datetime`
2 weeks ago                   # `locale: en` with `type: timeago`
27 de marzo de 2021           # `locale: es` with `type: date`
27 de marzo de 2021 13:57:28  # `locale: es` with `type: datetime`
hace 2 semanas                # `locale: es` with `type: timeago`

You can set the locale in different locations, both for your entire site and on a per-page basis. If specified multiple times git-revision-date-localized will use the locale that is most specific to a page.

Here's the order of priority:

1. Page locale set by the i18n plugin

The mkdocs-static-i18n plugin helps you support multiple language versions of your site. When enabled, i18n will add a locale attribute to each markdown page that git-revision-date-localized will use.

2. Page locale set by metadata

The Metadata extension adds the ability to attach arbitrary key-value pairs to a document via front matter written in YAML syntax before the Markdown. Enable it in your mkdocs.yml:

# mkdocs.yml
  - meta

If set git-revision-date-localized will use the locale key in a markdown page's frontmatter, for example:

locale: en

# Page title

3. Site locale set by your theme

Some MkDocs Themes support localization by setting a locale or language option. See for example the Changing the language section of Material for MkDocs.


# mkdocs.yml
  language: en

4. Site locale set by this plugin

Of course locale is an option for this plugin also.

- git-revision-date-localized:
    locale: en

5. Fallback locale

If no locale is specified anywhere, the fallback is English with the US date format (en).

Supported locales

  • When used in combination with type: date or type: datetime, translation is done using babel which supports these locales

  • When used in combination with type: timeago then timeago.js is added to your website, which supports these locales. If you specify a locale not supported by timeago.js, the fallback is English (en)

Authors: Tim Vink