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You can customize the plugin by setting options in mkdocs.yml. For example:

  - git-revision-date-localized:
      type: timeago
      custom_format: "%d. %B %Y"
      timezone: Europe/Amsterdam
      locale: en
      fallback_to_build_date: false
      enable_creation_date: true
      enabled: true
      strict: true


Default is date. The format of the date to be displayed. Valid values are date, datetime, iso_date, iso_datetime, timeago and custom. Example outputs:

November 28, 2019           # type: date (default)
November 28, 2019 13:57:28  # type: datetime
2019-11-28                  # type: iso_date
2019-11-28 13:57:26         # type: iso_datetime
20 hours ago                # type: timeago
28. November 2019           # type: custom


Default is %d. %B %Y. The date format used when type: custom. Passed to python's strftime, see the cheatsheat for details.


Default is UTC. Specify a time zone database name (reference). This option is especially relevant when using type: datetime and type: iso_datetime. Note that when using timeago (with type: timeago) any difference in time zones between server and client will be handled automatically.

  - git-revision-date-localized:
      timezone: Europe/Amsterdam


Default is None. Specify a two letter ISO639 language code to display dates in your preferred language. Note this plugin supports many different ways to specify the locale, but if not specified anywhere the fallback is English (en).

Example outputs:

April 27, 2021                # `locale: en` with `type: date` (default)
April 27, 2021 13:11:28       # `locale: en` with `type: datetime`
2 weeks ago                   # `locale: en` with `type: timeago`
27 de marzo de 2021           # `locale: es` with `type: date`
27 de marzo de 2021 13:57:28  # `locale: es` with `type: datetime`
hace 2 semanas                # `locale: es` with `type: timeago`
  - git-revision-date-localized:
      locale: en


Default is false. Enables falling back to the time when mkdocs build was executed when git is not available. This means the revision date will be incorrect, but this can be acceptable if you want your project to also successfully build in environments with no access to GIT.

  - git-revision-date-localized:
      fallback_to_build_date: true


Default is false (because it has a small effect on build time). Enables a Created date variables, see available variables. This will also add a created date at the bottom of each page in mkdocs-material as it has native support (see overriding a theme).

  - git-revision-date-localized:
      enable_creation_date: true


Default is empty. Specify a list of page source paths (one per line) that should not have a revision date included (excluded from processing by this plugin). This can be useful for example to remove the revision date from the front page. The source path of a page is relative to your docs/ folder. You can also use globs instead of full source paths. To exclude docs/subfolder/ specify in your mkdocs.yml a line under exclude: with - subfolder/ Some examples:

  - git-revision-date-localized:
        - subfolder/
        - folder/*


Default is true. Enables you to deactivate this plugin. A possible use case is local development where you might want faster build times and/or do not have git available. It's recommended to use this option with an environment variable together with a default fallback (introduced in mkdocs v1.2.1, see docs). Example:

  - git-revision-date-localized:
      enabled: !ENV [ENABLED_GIT_REVISION_DATE, True]

Which enables you to disable the plugin locally using:

mkdocs serve


Default is true. When enabled, the logs will show warnings when something is wrong but a fallback has been used. When disabled, the logger will use the INFO level instead.

  • If you want to raise an error when a warning is logged, use mkdocs strict mode (with mkdocs build --strict).
  • If you are already using mkdocs strict mode, but do not care about these warnings, you can set strict: false to ensure no errors are raised.
  - git-revision-date-localized:
      strict: true
Authors: Andre_601, Tim Vink